Nasal swab for flu_Rapid antigen (nasal or throat swab) test
Influenza is common in winter and spring. The clinical manifestations are mainly systemic poisoning symptoms such as high fever, fatigue, headache, cough and systemic muscle pain, while the respiratory symptoms are mild.
Influenza viruses are prone to mutation, infectious, susceptible to population and high incidence rate. They have caused many outbreaks in the world, and are important public health issues worldwide.
Why should we detect and prevent influenza?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), seasonal influenza can cause 3-5 million severe cases and 290000-650000 deaths worldwide every year.
The researchers believe that children under the age of 5 are at high risk of severe influenza, but children under the age of 2 are at the highest risk, and infants under 6 months have the highest hospitalization rate and mortality.
Pregnant women, infants, the elderly, patients with chronic basic diseases and other high-risk groups have a higher risk of serious diseases and death after suffering from influenza.
Nasal swab for flu : common influenza test method
Nasopharyngeal sample collection
Influenza is an acute inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by the patient’s infection with influenza virus. The patient can have a series of symptoms such as cough, expectoration, fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose and general fatigue. In case of influenza, we should conduct relevant examinations in time to further clarify the diagnosis, including the following tests:
First, blood routine test, patients with influenza can promote the increase of lymphocytes. If combined with bacterial infection, there can be the increase of leukocytes and so on.
Second, scientists can culture throat swabs of influenza viruses. In throat swab culture, researchers can detect the related virus.
Third, influenza patients can do second-generation sequencing, including sputum second-generation sequencing, which can determine the type of virus infected.
Fourth, influenza patients can do the detection of respiratory pathogens to further clarify the pathogens of infection.
At present, the two most common influenza tests are rapid antigen diagnostic test and influenza virus cell culture test. Both tests rely on Nasopharyngeal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, etc. for virus sampling. The most commonly used sampling swab is nylon flocking swab.
Nasal swab for flu:Application
It is suitable for the detection and sampling of COVID-19, influenza virus , hand foot mouth disease virus, COVID-19, measles rubella and other types of viruses.
About nasal swab sampling
Why use flocked nylon swabs?
flocked swabs_Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
Flocked nylon swab: excellent sample collection / release ability, release rate > 90%.
Conventional fiber swab: the sample is intercepted by the gap in the fiber mass. That is, the sample is penetrated, diluted and intercepted in the fiber. Acquisition is slow and release is slower.
The sampling time of flocked swab is 3-5 seconds, while that of traditional swab is 15-120 seconds or even longer.
This caused pressure on the staff during the diagnosis process. Only by extracting samples faster can we complete the collection and analysis more efficiently.
Precautions for patients with nasopharyngeal swab:
① Please do not take antibiotics a few days before making nasal swabs;
② Do not use disinfectant mouthwash or smear the focus a few hours before nasal swab.
③ Do not eat, smoke or drink a few hours before doing nose swab.
Precautions for Sampler:
① . the sampler shall stand on the side of the patient for sampling.
② The patient is required to pull down the mask to expose only his nostrils. In case of sneezing reflex, the patient can cover it with elbows or paper towels.
If the sampler is not directly in front of the patient, the exposure risk will be lower.
③ If the patient’s turbinate is hypertrophic, the nasal tract is narrow, and the insertion of the nasal swab feels resistance. Try to change one side of the nasal cavity or directly change to oropharyngeal swab collection.
④ Those with nasal allergy symptoms are easy to induce sneezing. It is recommended to take oropharyngeal swab samples.
⑤ Remember to wear a protective mask / screen. For individuals who are highly suspected or basically diagnosed, or who have severe cough and hiccup, they should put on protective clothing.
⑥ After sampling, replace gloves, disinfect hands, and spray disinfectant where patients have touched.
Finally, we should pay attention to nasal swab for flu in special times. Remember to wear masks and personal hygiene when going out. Once you find the virus, please isolate it to avoid re transmission.