Flu Test Throat Swab China Factory And Manufacturers

Flu Test Throat Swab China Factory And Manufacturers

Influenza requires a throat swab test. Tests can be used to determine whether a patient is infected with the flu virus, and then targeted treatment can be given.

Influenza patients will have symptoms of dry cough, and they will also have dry cough symptoms after being infected with the new coronavirus, so throat swab tests should be performed for patients who have been in contact with people infected with the new coronavirus or who have been to the epidemic area. Patients infected with the new coronavirus generally do not need a throat swab test to determine whether they are infected with the new coronavirus.

Covid Test Throat Swab

Covid Test Flu Throat Swab

The throat swab detection process is as follows: the tested person needs to sit facing the sampler, raise his chin, and open his mouth wide. in special equipment.

These tests include reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), viral culture, and immunofluorescence assays. All we require is that a health care provider swipe the inside of your nose or the back of your throat with a swab and then send the swab for testing. Results may take one to several hours.

Accuracy of throat swabs for influenza.

A throat flocked swab for influenza is more accurate, but there are no authoritative experimental statistics for its specific accuracy.

Throat swab testing for influenza is very fast, economical, and simple, but if the throat swab is negative.

It does not mean that there is no Influenza that may be caused by contamination of specimens, improper sampling of specimens, etc.

And comprehensive judgment should be made in combination with clinical symptoms, epidemiological history, and antigen testing.

When taking a throat swab for influenza, insert the swab completely into the throat from the oral cavity, and moderately wipe the bilateral pharyngeal tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall with the throat wall and the reddened part of the palatine tonsil as the centre. But avoid touching the tongue. Then remove the test strip. Insert the sampled swab into the solution in the sample extraction tube

So that the specimen is dissolved in the solution as much as possible, and the results can be observed within 15 to 20 minutes.

After more than 30 minutes, the displayed results are usually not clinically meaningful.

If there are two red lines or three red lines in the patient, it means that the throat swab test for influenza is positive.

And there are two red lines, which usually means that there is influenza A or B. If it is three red lines, it means that it is a mixed infection of influenza A and B.

If only one red line appears, the throat swab is negative.

If the reaction line does not appear, the test is invalid, and it is recommended to use a new test card to test again.

Is it a cold or the flu? How to distinguish?

1. Influenza: fast and furious,

If you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck, you might have the flu. Symptoms such as sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, congestion and cough can come on suddenly. Colds are usually less intense and include a runny or stuffy nose. The flu gets better in 2 to 5 days, but you may feel the discomfort for a week or more. Colds come on slowly and last up to 10 days.

2. Fever: Usually means the flu

While some people have a mild fever when they catch a cold, most do not. If you have the flu, your body temperature may reach 38-40°C. The flu tends to be higher in children, and children may also be more likely to develop a fever.

3. Flu: Fatigue can last for weeks

You may start to feel very tired and sore. Fatigue and weakness can last up to 3 weeks, and even longer in older people and people with long-term (chronic) illnesses or weakened immune systems. Colds are self-limiting and you usually get better within a few days, usually 1 week to 10 days.

4. Cold and flu: Both can cause headaches

Like other symptoms caused by a cold, headaches that accompany a cold are still milder than those caused by the flu.

5. Cough: Both colds and flu can cause

Colds and flu are respiratory illnesses that both affect your airways, so both can cause a cough.

Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be a complication of the flu. If you have a persistent cough, fever higher than 38°C, chills, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or chest pain, please seek medical attention in time.

6. Earache: Maybe from a cold or the flu

Congestion from either disease can raise the pressure in your ears. This affects the Eustachian tube, where the larynx and middle ear communicate. It may cause dull ear pain, hearing loss, and a “popping” feeling in the ears. These symptoms will disappear as the disease improves.

If other symptoms get better and the earache persists or you experience sudden, intense pain, see your doctor. You may have an ear infection that needs treatment.

7. Colds: Usually starts with a sore throat

These early symptoms tend to last 1 to 2 days, and a runny nose and nasal congestion are also common. A sore throat also accompanies the flu, but if it’s the flu, you may feel tired and have other symptoms right away.

8. Stuffy nose: Could mean a cold

Simple nasal congestion without fever and general tiredness tends to lead to a cold, although many flu sufferers also say they have nasal congestion and sneezing.

Both colds and flu can cause sinus infections. In addition to a thick yellow or green snot, a sinus infection can also cause headaches and pain in the forehead, cheeks, and bridge of the nose. Sudden head movements or strains can make the pain worse.

9. Flu throat swabs can quickly identify the flu

Flu Test Throat Swab China Factory And Manufacturers

Flu Test Throat Swab China Factory And Manufacturers


The quickest way to find out about your illness is to go to the hospital for a checkup.

A nasal or throat swab can usually tell you if you have the flu virus in 30 minutes or less. If a test shows you have the flu and your symptoms started within the past 48 hours, your doctor may recommend antiviral medication to help you recover faster.

10. Influenza: start antiviral drugs as soon as possible

These medications can give you relief and shorten your condition within 1 to 2 days, especially if you start taking them within 2 days of getting sick. Over-the-counter medications can also relieve symptoms such as coughing and congestion. Read labels and directions carefully so you know what the medicines do and how to use them.

11. Colds: Over-the-counter medications can ease symptoms

12. Hand washing is key

Washing your hands is very important to protect yourself and not spread the flu to others. Wash your hands with soap and warm water, preferably the six-step method. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective.

Wash your face frequently during cold and flu season, especially after coughing, sneezing, or having a runny nose. What if I can’t find a tissue? Face your elbow when sneezing or coughing instead of covering your mouth with your hand.

13. Get vaccinated

There is now a flu vaccine that protects against the flu, and it’s made from a protein from the previous year’s flu cases. It helps your body prepare to recognize and fight when you’re exposed to the virus again. Note: The flu shot won’t give you the flu!

The flu shot is very important for children over 6 months of age, pregnant women, adults 50 years and older, and people with long-term (chronic) illnesses or weakened immune systems.


Medical Rayon Swab

Medical Rayon Swab China Suppliers, Swab Manufacturers

Medical Rayon Swab

Microbiology specimen swab collection sterile Polyester Swab Rayon swab

Rayon is a processed form of cellulose and has been found to be particularly suitable for the recovery of microorganisms. The texture is close to that of cotton, but it has none of the fatty acids or other substances that can be inhibitory to fastidious bacteria. It has also been shown to be compatible with many molecular-based diagnostic tests. Rayon buds are used on most of our transport swabs.

Medical disposable products rayon swab

About Our Company

We produce flocked swabs, VTM kits, and virus transport medium, with multiple automatic production lines(Including automatic VTM tube production line, OEM VTM Tube, Flocked Swab Production Line, etc).

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Rayon-tipped swabs

Rayon-tipped swabs are designed for a wide range of unique applications, including specimen collection, testing and medical applications.

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Specimen Sampling Collection

Ideal for diagnostic specimen collection and DNA testing. Made from finest USP grade rayon fiber. Rayon offers the texture of cotton, but none of the fatty acids that can be inhibitory to fastidious bacteria.


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Sterile Regular Tip Rayon Swab and Transport Tube

Dry Transport Tube for safe transport to the lab!

Just take sample and insert into the dry transport tube and transport to the lab. Virtually eliminates contamination.


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Our Rayon Tipped Swabs

Rayon Tipped Swabs Much like cotton, rayon tipped swabs are predictably soft and absorbent and an economical choice for many applications where cotton would not be suitable.

COVID-19 Testing Sampling

COVID-19 Testing Sampling: Introduction to Throat Nasopharyngeal Swab

 Sampling for COVID-19 Testing: Introduction to Nasal Swabs, Pharyngeal Swabs, Nasopharyngeal Swabs

1. Material introduction:

1. Flocked swab: It is made of nylon fibre crowding modern technology, and also the front end is coated with nylon brief fibres repaired in a vertical manner so that there is no absorption hole in the whole tasting area of the tasting swab. As well as the sampling example, will certainly not be scattered as well as preserved in the fibers. Which promotes much faster and also a lot more efficient elution. Traditional cotton swabs can not entirely collect and also elute samples, while flocked swabs can elute 95% of examples. widely used.

Flocked Respiratory Collection Iclean Nylon Tip Swab Test

Flocked Respiratory Collection Iclean Nylon Tip Swab Test

2. Cotton Swab: The cotton bud is made from sterilized cotton wrapped around a wooden stick or a plastic pole. Because the all-natural product of cotton has a reduced release rate to the example, and also several of the natural fatty acids in it will harm microbes, the, even more, are much less as well as much less used for sample collection.

3. Rayon Head Swab: Rayon is a synthetic fiber made from wood pulp. Although categorized as an artificial fibre, it is basically a natural material. It is often the standard for diagnostic testing.

4.  Polyester Fibre Head Swab: The head product of the polyester fiber swab is made from polyester long fiber winding, which was very first presented in the field of medical screening by DuPont. Polyester fibres for microbial collection, rapid diagnostics, and also PCR screening. Swabs have a high launch price yet are extra expensive than cotton and also rayon swabs.

5. Foam Tip Swabs: Swabs made of medical quality polyurethane are superb materials for diagnosis, especially for cell sampling. This product has great absorption of hydrophilic substances and inadequate absorption of hydrophobic compounds. For some circumstances that need resistance to chemical rust, and also for DNA as well as microbial testing.

2. Introduction of sampling site:

Nasal Swab: Sampling of the nasal cavity.

Throat swab: Sampling of the throat area.

Nasopharyngeal swab: Sampling from the nasal cavity to the throat.

3. Safety factor and material:

Ordinary people can operate it. The new crown self-test products on the market generally use nasal swabs, and Foam Tip fibre heads are the first choice.

Throat swab: Professional operation is required, because the throat is more prone to injury, flocking swabs are the first choice.

Professionals must operate it, and it needs to be very careful from the nose to the throat. Generally, Westerners are easier to accept, while Orientals are less acceptable.

Chinese Medical Swab Suppliers Manufacturers

Chinese Medical Swab Suppliers Manufacturers

Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Flocking sampling Medical Swab manufacturers can be customized according to customer needs.

Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive high-tech medical consumables company and an OEM factory for flocking swabs. We support customized production, our swab OEM factory produces flocking swabs, throat swabs, nasal swabs, oral swabs, sponge swabs, virus sampling tubes, virus transport media, and sample preservation solutions. Our GMP factory was built in 2016, and the factory has an ISO13485 quality management system, CE, FDA and other qualifications.

ABOUT VTM kits and swabs manufacturer

ABOUT VTM kits and swabs manufacturer

  We support ODM and OEM

  Our factory has a number of automated production lines. We support customized production, OEM, ODM, etc., and jointly develop and design products with customers. Willing to challenge all kinds of harsh swabs.

  Customization of flocking swabs, customization of VTM kits, customization of a virus transfer medium, customization of virus collection and transfer kits, customization of disposable virus sampling tubes, customization of nasopharyngeal swabs, customization of oropharyngeal swabs, etc.

      Welcome to the factory for consultation, we will serve customers wholeheartedly and develop high-quality flocked Medical swabs together with customers.




Features of our flocked swabs

Covid Swab Test flocked swab

Covid Swab Test flocked swab

  1. The flocked swab is made of nylon fibre flocking technology, and the sample collection and release amount is as high as 95%;

  2. Nylon nails are fixed vertically, the elution speed is faster and the efficiency is higher;

  3. Single independent packaging to avoid pollution.

  4. Strict process conditions, DNase free and amplifiable human DNA.

  5. The tube body is transparent and the inspection material is visible.

  6. The unique patented shell design ensures air circulation in the shell and prevents the detection material from becoming mouldy due to the humidity of the sealing environment. It avoids magazine pollution in the outside air and affects the detection quality.

Advantages of our flocked swabs

  1. Especially designed for virus sampling and DNA micro-samples. Especially for trace samples such as sweat, semen, blood, dandruff, oral cells, etc., it has excellent collection performance.

  2. It can quickly adsorb trace samples and release a high aging rate.

        3. Flocked swabs become ideal for PCR work.

  4. The front end is more precise and is suitable for cell extraction in the nails of victims or suspects.

  5. The unique flocked swab breakpoint design is beneficial to the automatic extraction workstation for sample extraction.

  6. Packaged in a clear plastic tube to avoid biological contamination.

Combined Throat And Nose Swab

Combined Throat And Nose Swab

What is the difference between a nasal (Nose) swab and a throat swab for nucleic acid testing

The sampling method and location are different. The accuracy rates of the nucleic acid test ( PCR Test ) nasal swabs and throat swabs are usually similar, and the main difference lies in the sampling method and sampling site. For nasal swabs, nasopharyngeal swabs (flocking swabs) are mainly used to test the secretions from the inside of the nasal cavity and the surface of the nasal mucosa through the nasal cavity;

Throat swabs: Health care workers collect samples in the mouth with oropharyngeal swabs. Health care workers take throat samples for testing to determine whether a patient has the new coronavirus.

Are both throat swabs and nasal(Nose) swabs required?

Let’s talk about throat swabs first.
The “oral sampling” and “nasal sampling” mentioned above are actually test methods in which medical staff use medical swabs to collect samples from the pharynx in nucleic acid testing (PCR).

COVID-19: Will The Pandemic End in 2022?

It is very important to continue swab testing while the pandemic is still ongoing

Whether entering from the nasal cavity or the mouth, the specimens we need to collect are pharyngeal secretions, including sputum. Compared with the oral route, nasal sampling can provide better safety protection for the sampling person. Because oral sampling requires subjects to open their mouths wide, this increases the risk of virus transmission by droplets. However, if it is collected through the nasal cavity, the environment is relatively stable, and the medical staff who operate it will be safer.

What is the difference between a throat swab and a nasopharyngeal swab, which is more accurate?

The main difference between nasal swabs and throat swabs lies in the location and material of the specimens, which are usually as accurate. The throat swab is in the pharynx, and the nasal swab needs to go into the nasal cavity, not the external nasal cavity. It needs to use a longer swab and slowly rotate it to the deep part of the nasal cavity, so the parts of the material are different. Nasal swabs are special, and the material is relatively soft, which is convenient for reaching the deep nasal cavity through the nasal cavity. The process of taking it may take longer than that of throat swabs.

Compared with nasopharyngeal swabs, oropharyngeal swab sampling is sometimes difficult to meet the normative sampling requirements due to irritating reactions, and the actions of eating, drinking and swallowing will reduce the oropharyngeal to a certain extent. The virus enrichment of 2000 may affect the positive detection rate of oropharyngeal swabs.

Which is better, nasal(Nose) swab or throat swab?

No matter which one is adopted, the key lies in the depth of the collection, whether the collection is in place and the length of contact time with the deep mucosa. 

 From the personal experience of the testing population, throat swabs will be less irritating and uncomfortable than nasal swabs.

Flocked Sterile Swabs

Sterile Flocked Swab

Oropharyngeal swab

  • The operation is relatively simple and less irritating, suitable for large-scale screening.

  • The sampling staff will guide the subject to open the mouth, and then use a sterile long cotton swab to gently scrape the subject’s throat to collect secretions from both palatine arches, pharynx, and tonsils.

Nasopharyngeal swab

  • The technical requirements are high, the human body does not feel very comfortable, and the accuracy is higher than that of oropharyngeal swabs. For key groups such as isolation points.

  • The sampling staff will insert a long sterile cotton swab into the nostril of the subject, and reach the mucous membrane deep in the nasopharyngeal cavity, stay for a few seconds to soak the secretion, and then take it out.

Who is not suitable for nasal swab

What is A Covid-19 NP Swab?

What is A Covid-19 NP Swab?

When collecting nasal swab specimens, the flocked swab ( learn more ) will enter the nasal cavity.  

f the medical staff operates in a standardized manner, it will reduce the irritation to the mucous membranes.

But because we can’t see the sampling position of the pharynx.

It mainly relies on the hands of medical staff to feel the resistance, so the technical requirements of the operator are very high, and the tools used are also more complicated.
The improper
 operation will cause certain irritation to the nasal mucosa, so it is not recommended for patients with sinusitis and allergic rhinitis to do nasal swabs to avoid damage to the nasal cavity.

How to overcome the discomfort of throat swab

When collecting throat swab specimens, the oropharyngeal flocked swab will cause certain irritation to the pharynx. For some people with the sensitive pharynx, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Recommended to relax before collecting specimens.

Don’t get too nervous. If you feel discomfort in your throat after collection, you need to eat less spicy, irritating and greasy food, drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, and arrange rest appropriately. Generally speaking, it does not take long to return to normal.

Experts said that the study found that the nucleic acid-positive duration of feces or anal swabs of some infected people is longer than that of the upper respiratory tract. Increasing anal swab sampling can improve the detection rate and reduce missed diagnosis; but anal swab sampling is not convenient enough, and currently only for isolation. Points and other key groups to use.


Flocked Swab With Vtm Kits Leading China Manufacturer

Flocked Swab With Vtm Kits Leading China Manufacturer

What are flocked swabs used for?

Flocked swabs are widely used in Covid Test bacteriological sample processing, virological cell culture, DFA testing, rapid and direct testing, enzyme immunoassay testing, polymerase chain reaction and molecular diagnostic-based tests, and forensic identification. Both are ideal.

For throat sampling of respiratory viruses such as influenza, swine flu, bird flu, hand, foot and mouth.

Vtm Kits are used for the collection, transportation and storage of influenza, avian influenza, coronavirus and other virus samples for subsequent extraction and PCR amplification.

After samplers collect virus samples, they usually do not conduct PCR testing at the sample collection site in time.
So the collected virus flocking swab samples need to be transported. The virus itself will rapidly decompose in vitro, affecting subsequent detection. During transport, we need to add a virus preservation solution (virus transport medium).
For different detection purposes, we need to use different virus preservation solutions.
At present, it mainly includes inactivated type and non-inactivated type. In order to meet different detection requirements and different laboratory conditions for virus detection, it is very necessary to use different preservation solutions.
Flocked Sterile Swabs

Sterile Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab, 100% nylon flocked swab that provides exceptional absorption quality.

The principle of flocking swab precipitation.

1. Through the directional friction effect of the fiber layer of the flocked swab, the laboratory operator can complete the cell sample.

The unique structure of the top of this swab can greatly increase the number of samples collected

2. Flocked Swab is ideal for collecting large amounts of cells & rapid elution of the specimens instantly released into the transport medium.

More than 95% sample release rate. Very easy to elute.

3. The capillary movement between the nylon fibres at the top of the flocking swab forms a strong hydraulic pressure for absorbing liquid or cell-like samples.

Why flocked swabs are more beneficial for micro DNA collection.

1. The top of the traditional cotton swab, may even lead to false-negative results of the test.

2. The top of the flocking swab has a unique structure, which can almost completely extract and separate trace DNA, so the flocking swab has more obvious advantages in collecting trace DNA.

Made of non-inhibitory DNA amplification materials. It has been verified that it can be directly amplified by PCR, eliminating the need for extraction steps.

About viral transport media

At present, it mainly includes two types: inactivated and non-inactivated.

Flocked Swab With Vtm Kits Leading China Manufacturer

Flocked Swab With Vtm Kits Leading China Manufacturer

Inactivated preservation solution:

It can lyse and inactivate the virus in the sample so that the virus loses its infectious activity.

It can effectively prevent the secondary infection of operators.

But it also contains inhibitors, which can protect the viral nucleic acid from degradation.

Therefore, the experimenter can perform follow-up detection by NT-PCR.

Stored at room temperature for a long time, saving the storage and transportation costs of virus samples.

Non-inactivated preservation solution:

The non-inactivated preservation solution of the present invention can maintain the in vitro activity of the virus and the integrity of the antigen and nucleic acid, protect the viral protein shell, and maintain the originality of the virus sample to a large extent.

Not only for nucleic acid extraction and detection (PCR test) but also for virus culture and isolation.

  The CellMedical virus sampling tube has a thickened and leak-proof design to ensure that the sample does not leak during transportation. It is a virus transport medium (VTM KITS) that complies with WHO regulations and biosafety regulations.

Viral Transport Medium Tube Suppliers

Viral Transport Medium Tube Suppliers

CellMedical produces and sells medical swabs, sampling swabs, sterile swabs, flocking swabs, sponge swabs, nasal swabs, throat swabs, nasopharyngeal swabs, gynecological swabs, genetic swabs, forensic swabs Swabs, oral swabs, nucleic acid swabs, new crown swabs, antigen swabs, anterior nasal swabs, sterilized swabs, collection swabs, flocking cotton swabs, sampling cotton swabs, etc.

Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. is a Class II medical device manufacturer integrating R&D, production, sales and service.

The company is committed to providing cells, Virus, Microorganism Collection & Storage & Shipping Solutions.

Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. was established in 2009, the company is located in Chang’an, Dongguan.

We mainly produce flocked sampling swabs, sponge sampling swabs, preservation transport media, virus sampling tubes and saliva collectors.

Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd China Vtm Swab Supplier And Manufacturers

VTM Kit, Viral Transport Media manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in china. Vtm SWAB collection kit compatible with its PCR test

To provide cell, virus, microbial sample collection, storage and transportation solutions for life sciences. Forensic identification, CDC, in vitro diagnostics and medical testing.

After more than 10 years of unremitting efforts and the pursuit of excellence in quality,

Today, CellMedical has become a Class II medical device manufacturer integrating R&D, production, sales and service.

Medical care means high technology and rigour. We always adhere to the concept of “survive by quality and develop by innovation”.

The company has an 8,000-square-meter workshop, a 3,500-square-meter GMP workshop and a 600-square-meter laboratory.

The sterile sampling swabs we produce have a high collection volume and release volume, which greatly enhances the accuracy of the inspection;

Well received by domestic and foreign customers. The company has passed ISO 13485 quality system, and flocking and sponge swabs have product registration certificates, CE and FDA certifications.

ABOUT VTM kits and swabs manufacturer

ABOUT VTM kits and swabs manufacturer

Flocked Swab Influenza

Flocked Swab Influenza | Comprehensive Flu Swab Test Guide

Flu Flocked Swab Influenza

Influenza refers to the common cold, which is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the influenza virus.

It is highly contagious and mainly spreads through droplets, such as coughing and sneezing. Influenza generally occurs in winter and spring.

The current influenza detection method is the rapid influenza antigen detection method, which detects “flux A” and “flu B” antigens.

Laboratory staff collect samples through throat swabs.

In fact, in inspection work, it is important to know the quality of the specimen in order to obtain accurate and reliable results.

Throat swab specimens: Professionals can avoid many false-negative influenza tests caused by improper specimen sampling.

The precautions for flu throat swabs are basically the same as those for nucleic acid detection throat swabs. Because the same part is sampled.

There are two types of flu throat swabs: nasopharyngeal swabs and oropharyngeal swabs.

What precautions should I take when taking a throat swab test for flu?

1. Oropharyngeal swab The collection method of the oropharyngeal swab is to let the subject open his mouth, then use a long pharyngeal swab to wipe the patient’s pharynx, bilateral frontal arches and tonsils, and take out the local secretions. Into the catheter of the throat swab and sent to the laboratory for testing.

2. Nasopharyngeal swabs The collection method of nasopharyngeal swabs is to use sterilized throat swabs to penetrate deep into the nasal cavity of the subject and reach the nasopharynx, and extract secretions and nasopharynx by rotating or wiping.

Epithelial cells put a section with secretions and epithelial cells into a sterile container and then carry out pathogenic detection.


Flu swab material

Swab options for flu testing include flocked swabs, cotton-tipped swabs, rayon tipped swabs, and foam-tipped swabs.

Cotton tip swab:

The original swab tips were all cotton, mainly based on their cleaning power and water absorption. Cotton swabs are very inexpensive and readily available, and are widely used in medical wound management after sterilization with ethylene oxide or autoclaving, as well as in forensic crime scene forensics. In the absence of alternatives, cotton swabs can be used in almost a variety of scenarios.

However, cotton-tipped swabs also have some problems. Due to the low release rate of cotton, natural material for samples, and some of the natural fatty acids in it can damage microorganisms, they are less and less used for sample collection.

Rayon head swab:

Rayon—a synthetic fiber made from wood pulp. Although classified as synthetic fiber, it is essentially a natural material. Compared to cotton, rayon is produced during the process of removing substances that may damage the sample or react with the sample during transportation and handling , so it is generally used for sampling for diagnostic testing.

Polyester Fiber Tip Swabs:

The head material of the polyester fiber swab is made of polyester long fiber winding, which was first introduced into the field of medical testing by DuPont. Polyester fibres are proven for microbial collection, rapid diagnostics, and PCR testing.

Polyester swabs have a high release rate but are more expensive than cotton and rayon swabs.

Foam tip swab:

China Medical Nasal Foam Swab Factory And Manufacturers

China Medical Nasal Foam Swab Factory And Manufacturers

Swabs made from medical-grade polyurethane are an excellent material for diagnostics, especially cell sampling. The swab tip of this swab is usually manufactured as a sheet with a surface hole count of 100ppi (holes per inch).

This material has good absorption of hydrophilic substances and poor absorption of hydrophobic substances. Used in some scenarios that require resistance to chemical corrosion. Also used for DNA and microbial sampling.

Flocked Swabs:

Flocking technology was first developed for cosmetic and industrial production. (Learn more)

After the flocking process was introduced into swab production. It replaced the traditional swab head, and the swab head was brought to a new level.

vtm swab

Due to the flocking process and the multi-branched polyester fibre material used, the flocked swabs have a very high absorption and release rate and are proven to be equally efficient for molecular sampling and absorption. Designated by some institutions for nucleic acid sampling as well as some research areas for genomic analysis.

The evolution of swabs is not limited to changes in materials. New demands in the fields of nursing, testing, and scientific research make swabs continue to evolve in multiple dimensions. The swab also not only acts as an applicator, but also acts as some transport medium.

Precautions include the following:

① Do not drink water before the throat swab test, at least 30 minutes in advance, because drinking water before the test will dilute the virus attached to the pharynx, especially drinking hot water will inhibit the activity of the virus.

In order to improve the accuracy of throat swab nucleic acid detection, do not drink water 15 to 30 minutes before the test to ensure that the throat swab has high accuracy.

②. For patients with good throat exposure, it is not recommended to take too long “ah~” sounds to reduce the risk of occupational exposure to the sampler.

③ To prevent vomiting, do not eat within two hours before the throat swab test.

④. Do not smoke, drink, or chew gum within half an hour before the throat swab test.

During the throat flocked swab sampling, the patient may have clinical symptoms such as nausea or nasopharyngeal discomfort, but the symptoms can subside quickly, so the patient should not be nervous and cooperate actively during the examination. At the same time, the subjects should not smoke, drink, or chew gum within half an hour before the sample collection.

If it is because of the throat swab the child, the parents must soothe the child’s emotions, communicate with the child patiently, and try not to move the child’s head as much as possible.

Deep Nasal Swab Virus Respiratory Kit

Deep Nasal Swab Virus Respiratory Kit

As of April 30, local time, the number of new coronavirus patients in the United States has reached 81.2 million, and the number of deaths due to new coronavirus infection has exceeded 992,000.

As the government ramps up testing for Covid-19, many of us ordinary people are now being tested for Covid-19.

What is Deep Nasal Swab?

Deep Nasal Swab ( nasopharyngeal swab ) is actually a relatively long collection swab, similar to a relatively long sterile swab.

Its main function is to take nasopharyngeal secretions for bacterial culture and drug sensitivity tests.

The source of infection in the nasopharynx and the microorganisms in the nasopharynx were selected and identified by bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test.

Then a drug susceptibility test can be done to determine which drugs are sensitive so that sensitive drugs can be selected for treatment.

So that a better curative effect can be achieved, so the nasopharyngeal swab is actually a flocking swab for collecting nasopharyngeal samples.

China Sterile Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab GMP Factory and Manufacturers.

China Sterile Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab GMP Factory and Manufacturers.

Why deep nasal swab for covid?

The Deep Nasal Swab test: to collect cells deep in the nasal cavity because the nostrils by themselves do not provide a sufficiently accurate sample.

The collected fluid samples are sent to a laboratory for PCR testing (polymerase chain reaction), a standard scientific procedure that involves using samples provided by patients to build models of their DNA.

In this system, technicians can look for evidence of the genetic material (RNA) from the new coronavirus, which is wrapped in the patient’s own DNA if they are infected with the virus.

Both Public Health England and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prefer to use Deep Nasal Swab because it is so accurate.


Unfortunately, for suspected Covid-19 patients, it can be uncomfortable.

During the operation, the medical staff is gentle and skilled, so there will be no pain.

What is the correct depth and length of nasopharyngeal swab collection?

See the length of the nasal swab? See how deep it goes into your nostrils?

The length of the nasal swab is normally about 15cm, and it should enter about 2/3 of the time when doing the collection.

How Accurate Is The Nasal Swab

The nasopharyngeal swabbing is generally the preferred method of specimen collection for COVID-19 testing.

About the distance from the tip of the nose to the earlobe, insert a thin cotton swab into the nostril, from the lower nasal passage to the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, and then turn the front to take a sample. The swab will have a significantly insufficient depth of entry. So the posture must be correct.

When the throat swab enters in the direction of the earlobe if it encounters resistance, it needs to adjust the direction, rotates it slightly, and cannot forcefully enter it.

Otherwise, damaged. Until the bottom of the rhinitis is reached, there is a general sense of resistance against a wall.

When you feel a sense of resistance, you have reached the bottom of the nasopharynx. At this time, you need to keep the nasopharyngeal swab at the bottom of the rhinitis for 10-15 seconds. After fully contacting the secretion, rotate it and pull it out.

Deep Nasal Swab Manufacturer Virus Respiratory Kit

Specifically designed for the collection, transport and preservation of virus-containing samples such as influenza, covid-19, avian influenza, and respiratory viruses such as hand, foot and mouth. 2-8 ℃ can be stored and transported for a short time, long-term storage should be at -80 ℃ or below.

Disposable medical sample collection swab, consisting of a plastic rod with and a flocked fibre tip 

VTM (non-inactivated version) and VTM-N (inactivated version) are available for selection.

Ready-to-use tear-off packaging, is convenient and quick, to avoid possible cross-contamination during use.

Equipped with a biosafety sample bag, which is convenient for placing samples and paper documents, the transfer is safe and reliable.

Product number product description




10ml sample transport tube contains 3ml VTM transport medium, 1 sampling swab, 1 biological specimen bag


5ml sample transport tube contains 2ml VTM transport medium, 1 flocked swab for sampling, 1 biological specimen bag


5ml sample transport tube contains 3ml VTM transport medium, 1 sampling swab, 1 biological specimen bag

Sampling swabs include nasopharyngeal swab (Deep Nasal Swab) or oropharyngeal swabs


Disposable Virus Sampling Tube Manufacturers

Disposable Virus Sampling Tube Manufacturers

What kind of virus sampling tube do you know? Does the following look like what you know? The following is introduced to you by Disposable Virus Sampling Tube Manufacturers — Cell medical (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.

What is Virus Sampling Tube? When should the virus preservation solution be used?

Disposable Virus Sampling Tube Kits

Disposable Virus Sampling Tube Kits

Virus transport medium, virus preservation solution: a protective liquid medium added to the virus sampling tube to protect the samples after nasopharyngeal swab sampling.

Generally, in the process of nucleic acid detection, we cannot directly conduct nucleic acid PCR experiments at the sample collection site.

If we need to check the samples collected by the flocked swab, we need to add the virus preservation solution.

Why use a virus sampling tube?

First of all, we have to understand what is a virus? Why does it need a virus sampling tube?

virus sampling tube

virus sampling tube

What is a virus?

Virus: a non-cellular form composed of nucleic acid molecules and proteins.

It lives on parasitic hosts and is an organic species between living and non-living bodies.

It is one end of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protective shell.

Through the mechanism of infection, these simple organisms can use the host’s cellular system to replicate themselves but are unable to grow and replicate independently.

Viruses can infect almost all living organisms with cellular structures.

Virus detection is different from conventional biochemical detection.

The virus itself is a simple microorganism and must be parasitic in living cells.

After sampling, when the virus leaves the host cell, its protein shell and nucleic acid degrade rapidly in the sampling tube.

So that the nucleic acid During the test, it is impossible to determine whether the initially collected sample contains the virus, which is likely to cause false negatives.

A virus delivery medium (virus sampling tube), a general-purpose sampling product: for sampling various virus samples, chlamydia samples, and ureaplasma samples.

Short-term storage and transportation at 2-8°C, and -80°C refrigerator or liquid nitrogen Long-term preservation in the environment.

1. For monitoring and sampling infectious pathogenic microorganisms by disease control departments and clinical departments.

Suitable for influenza virus (common influenza, highly pathogenic avian influenza, influenza A H1N1 virus, etc.), hand, foot and mouth virus and other types of virus sampling. It is also used for sampling Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, etc.

2. To transport nasopharyngeal swab specimens or tissue specimens from specific parts from the sampling site to the testing laboratory for extraction and testing.

3. Preserve nasopharyngeal swab samples or tissue samples from specific parts for necessary cell culture.

4. For short-term storage and transportation of virus samples at 2-8°C and long-term storage in a -80°C refrigerators or liquid nitrogen environments.

There are two types of virus preservation solutions: inactivated and non-inactivated

The inactivated virus preservation solution is mainly a virus lysis type preservation solution improved by nucleic acid extraction lysis solution, which is added with a high concentration of lysis salt, which can quickly and efficiently deactivate the virus protein in the sample to be tested and can effectively prevent infection.

At the same time, it also contains an RNase enzyme inhibitor, which can protect virus nucleic acid from degradation.

As long as the subsequent NT-PCR experiment can detect the nucleic acid of the virus, we can diagnose it.

Stored at room temperature for a relatively long time.

The non-inactivated preservation solution is mainly a virus maintenance solution that is improved on the basis of the transport medium.

It can retain the protein coat of the virus and the viral nucleic acid DNA or RNA at the same time so that the virus has the integrity of the protein epitope and nucleic acid in vitro.

Of course, there is also a certain risk of infectivity when the operation is wrong.

It is necessary to keep a strictly low temperature for long-term storage after sampling.

No matter what kind of virus preservation solution it is, we must test it as soon as possible after sampling or keep it strictly at a low temperature to ensure that the detection is accurate.

Due to the rapid reproduction and mutation of the virus, the virus preservation solution plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the virus sample.

Manufacturers CellMedical Virus Sampling Tube Kits Advantages

1. Add protein-stabilizing components such as BSA to the sampling solution to reduce the speed of virus decomposition and greatly improve the positive rate of virus isolation.
2. It is stable at room temperature and can keep its activity within 1 year.
3. Gentamicin replaces penicillin to avoid allergic reactions;

4. Using flocked swabs, the sample has a higher collection rate and release rate;
Samples can be stored for a long time (-20 ℃ ordinary refrigerator, -80 ℃ low-temperature refrigerator, -197 ℃ liquid nitrogen);
6. Thickening and anti-leakage design to ensure that the sample does not leak, in line with WHO regulations and biosafety regulations.

Flocked Sterile Swabs

Flocked Sterile Swabs

Disposable sampling swabs, We believe you are familiar with them in the past two years because most of the testing tools used for nucleic acid testing (PCR tests) are disposable sampling swabs.

Usually, we see most nasal swabs and throat swabs, and the sampling swabs we commonly use are flocking swabs.

The flocking swab is a disposable sampling swab composed of a nylon short fibre fluff head and abs plastic rod.

Recently, there have been many concerns about rapid antigen detection on the Internet.

One of them is that if the “single-use sample collection swab” (sampling flocked swab) used in the antigen test is “non-sterile” and “non-sterile”. Bacteria” products. There are risks when using it.

Citizens disinfect the sampling swab with alcohol before conducting antigen testing at home?  ( Alcohol disinfection is not advisable)

Experts and industry insiders say such concerns are unnecessary as long as qualified products are available through formal channels.

Discard damaged or contaminated swabs.

Specimen collection sterile flocked swab

Specimen collection sterile flocked swab

Are there risks to using “non-sterile” “non-sterile” Specimen collection swabs?

There are two main issues that netizens worry about:

One is to worry about the “bacteria” of the sampling swab, which will affect the results of the antigen test, such as “false positives”;

The second is to worry about the “bacteria” of the sampling swab. During the sampling process, “bacteria” will enter the human body with the sampling swab and affect health.

Nasopharyngeal swab test

Nasopharyngeal swab test

Regarding the effect of “bacteria” sampling swabs on antigen test results, experts said that this is a misunderstanding caused by confusing bacteria and viruses.

You know, the antigen test “looks” for the antibodies produced by people infected with the new coronavirus.

The display window of the reagent strip contains a protein that recognizes the antibody, like a dam, blocking the colloidal gold that binds the antibody to the virus. So it appears red in the display window.

Therefore, even if the sampling swab contains “bacteria”, the kit will “ignore” it and focus on “finding” the antibodies produced by the new coronavirus infected person.

Since the kit is not interfered with by “bacteria”, it will not affect the results of antigen detection.

For some people who think that “bacteria” sampling swabs will affect human health, experts say that this may be due to a lack of understanding of “sterile” products.


The single-use Specimen collection swab can currently be applied for registration as a second-class medical device, and can also be registered as a first-class medical device (the third-class is the highest level) in the regulatory department.

If it is a Class II medical device, it must meet the sterility requirements when it leaves the factory. While a Class I medical device has no relevant requirements and can be listed in the state of “non-sterile” and “unsterilized”.

Experts said that “sterility” refers to the state of no viable microorganisms. All medical devices must meet certain hygienic requirements, such as strict control of the number of microorganisms before they can be qualified for the market.

Flocked Sterile Swabs

Flocked swabs are mainly used for oral and nasopharyngeal sampling, cervicovaginal sampling, and laboratory testing.

Sterile Flocked Nasopharyngeal Swab is a 100% nylon flocked swab that provides exceptional absorption quality with a flexible handle engineered to reach remote areas of the nasopharynx for specimen collection.

According to different uses, it can also include nasopharyngeal swabs, throat swabs, oral swabs, DNA swabs, and cervical swabs.

It is similar to the above classification, but it is slightly different.

For laboratory testing centres and hospitals.

flocked swab --- CellMedical

flocked swab — CellMedical

What are the advantages of flocked Sterile swabs?

Using nylon fibre flocking technology. The front end of the swab has nylon staple fibres fixed vertically. By making the entire collection area of ​​the swab free of absorbent holes. The sample does not scatter and become trapped in the fibres, facilitating faster and more efficient elution.

This makes flocked swabs ideal for PCR work, as flocked swabs are biocompatible and ideal for PCR work.